This study aimed to identify various aspects of housing and to determinate the factors that affect its price, considering the different features of an apartment-housing unit, such as physical characteristics, environmental, and access to the residential units. In this regard, this research was conducted to study the factors that influence the price of residential properties in Hashtgerd New Town (35°58′57″N 50°44′30″E ). The information required for this study was gathered from 275 households in Hashtgerd New Town. The housing pricing function was estimated by applying the Hedonic-pricing model based on two-sided logarithmic functions. The results showed that of the sixteen studied variables, eight variables had significant effects on prices of housing units. Among these variables, the variables such as gross floor area, unit’s distance from city center, stone facade and land area with +0.82, -0.10, +0.08, +0.07 rates of elasticity, respectively, had the greatest impact on setting the price of an apartment-housing unit.