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Solving a Class of N-Order Linear Differential Equations by the Recursive Relations and it's Algorithms in MATLAB

188-196Full Text

Mehdi Delkhosh

In many applied sciences, we find differential equations, which these equations are NOrder Linear differential equations and solutions relatively complex, therefore researchers have forced to use numerical methods, which are contained several errors, i.e. In analysis of computer algorithms, notably in analysis of quicksort and search trees; a number of physics and engineering applications, such as when solving Laplace's equation in polar coordinates; and many other sciences. In this paper, we are using variable change method for the analytic solution a class of N-Order Linear differential equations in problem. Applying a variable change in the equation, then we get conditions where if an equation is also conditions, a simple analytical solution is obtained for it. Because this solution, an exact analytical solution can provide to us, we benefited from the solution of numerical linear differential equations.

A Preliminary Linguistic Analysis of Romanized Persian SMS Messages

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Mohsen Akbari

SMS (Short Message Service) messages have become a common means of communication throughout the world. With new colors and tones in the communication world, Romanized Persian (RP) is an emerging code employed by Iranian texters. The current study is to illuminate the main findings of a linguistic analysis of RP SMS messages written by Iranian cell phone users. To this end, a corpus of 719 RP SMS messages was collected manually from informants. The data were transcribed and analyzed linguistically. Analysis was based on some linguistic features found frequently among the SMS messages and examples related to each linguistic feature were described in detail. The findings revealed that there are several main characteristics including punctuation, omissions, consonant writing, graphical means and symbols, contractions, letter repetitions, loanwords, and letternumber homophones. The implications of the study concern the way cell phone users in Iran use the language of SMS in their messages as well as the common linguistic features of RP SMS messages. The paper concludes by promoting the approach to analysis taken in this study as a basis for future research into SMS communication in Iran and even in global contexts.

Strategies toward Sustainable Development of Echium amoenum in Iran

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Seyyed Ali Noorhosseini-Niyaki* and Dariush Ashoori-Latmahalleh

A study was carried out during 2012 to recognize the most important strategies for sustainable development of Echium amoenum Fisch and Mey in Eshkevarat region of Guilan province, Iran. For this purpose, Delphi technique was used, and in present study participants more totally including 7 experts. After data collection at two stages, results showed that improving the orchards and varieties of Echium amoenum, defining its expert price, establishing the processing and packaging companies to increase the added value of the product, expanding the mechanization across the orchard, increasing its cultivated area of land, encouraging the farmers to use new research techniques, suitable domestic and international marketing, creating sustainable, active selling markets, as well as guaranteed buying, adequate knowledge on the soil and suitable fertilizer were among most important strategies for sustainable development of Echium amoenum in the apt areas.

Effects of nitrogen and iron on Sweet lime (Citrus limmetta) fruit quantity and quality in calcareous soils

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Abdolhossein Aboutalebi

This study was conducted on 5-years-old grafted sweet lime trees as a factorial arrangement in randomized complete block design with 4 replicates. The first factor was ammonium sulfate (0, 250 and 500 g for every tree as soil application) and the second factor was iron sulfate (0, 5 and 10 mgL-1 as spraying in mid-June after June drop). In the harvest time were measured iron leaf; fruit volume; peel water percent; vitamin C and total acid in fruit juice and finally tree yield. Results showed that the treatments had significant effect on some characteristics including fruit volume; yield; vitamin C; total acid; peel water percent and iron leaf amount. In general, based on the results can be recommended application of 250 g of ammonium sulfate for every tree in soil and spraying 10 mgL-1 iron sulfate during June to improve the quantity and quality characteristics as well as increased yield of sweet lime in calcareous soil.

The Scrutiny of Interaction between Iron Nano Chelate and Chlophony Hydrogel on Soil Chemical and Nutritional Properties

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Ali Gholami*, Mehrnoush Taghizadeh and Nooralah Moalemi

About one million hectares of lands in Khuzestan are salty and a great part of agricultural lands under cultivation of corn at the south of Khuzestan are located in this region. This investigation was conducted in a farm located in Ramhormoz in 2011 in order to investigate the interaction of iron nano and chlophony hydrogel as a superabsorbent on the yield of grain corn (Zea Mays L.) and some chemical and nutritional properties of soil in rather salty soils in completely randomize design with four treatments and four repetitions experimental treatments consisted of: first treatment: conventional farmers (control), second treatment: iron nano chelate fertilizer (10 kgha-1), third treatment: superabsorbent polymer(40 kgha-1), fourth treatment : second treatment + third treatment. Results showed that the most increase in yield was obtained as a result of iron nano chelate consumption by 5517.667 kg/ha and the least increase was seen in control treatment by 4256.33 kgha-1.The results of data variance analysis showed that iron nano chelate treatment and the treatment of simultaneous consumption nano and superabsorbent has a remarkable impact on weight features of a thousand grains, grains in ear and grains in ear raw. Raw in ear and bush height features were not considerable under the treatments. Chemical properties of soil including saltiness, acidity and saturation percentage were not remarkable in tow depths, except for saturation percentage which showed a significant difference, between superabsorbent treatment and control treatment in depth of 30-60 cm. All absorbable nutritional elements of soil were not considerable in the tow measured depths except phosphorus and manganese which showed remarkable difference in depth of 0-30 cm in level 5% of Duncan test. According to the results of this test and of nano and superabsorbent has a remarkable impact on weight features of a thousand grains, grains in maize and grains in maize raw. Raw in maize and bush height features were not considerable under the treatments. Chemical properties of soil including saltiness, acidity and saturation percentage were not remarkable in two depths, except for saturation percentage which showed a significant difference Between superabsorbent treatment and control treatments in depth of 30–60 cm. All absorbable nutritional elements of soil were not considerable in the two measured depths except phosphorus and manganese which showed remarkable difference in depth of 0–30 cm in level 5% of Duncan test. According to the results ti the results of this test and computation of expenses of materials used in the test it is suggested to use iron nano chelate fertilizer in order to gain better yield in grain maize.

Plug in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) as a player in Energy market and Reactive power market and coupled market

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Abdolreza Rabiee

In this research work, Plug in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) is studied how to participate in the energy market, reactive power market and coupled energy and reactive power market. The PHEV capability curve is identified which have been recently presented in the related work in the area. The concept Lost Opportunity Cost (LOC) is explained based on the capability of PHEV and its application is fully taken into consideration. Then PHEV is included in energy, reactive and coupled market. This require to determine objective functions in each market. Finally a 17-node microgrid is taken as case study in which some of PHEVs are placed to take part in these markets.

Evaluate the possibility of producing citrus grafted plant simultaneously rooting cuttings

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Iman Mosalanejad, Abdolhossein Aboutalebi* and Behnam Behrooznam

In order to evaluate the possibility of producing citrus grafted plant simultaneously rooting cuttings, was performed an experiment as factorial arrangement in completely randomized design by using Bakraei (C. reticulate × C. limmetta) as rootstock and Sweet lime (C. limmetta) as scion with four replications. The 15-cm-cuttings were prepared from annual shoots of Bakraei and were budded by Sweet lime scion. The treatments for scion growth simulation were consisting GA3 and BA 50 mgL-1, which was applied before budding operation. The budded cuttings were treated by IBA 0, 1000, 2000 and 3000 mgL-1 before plantation and then were cultured in the pots containing peat-moss and were transferred to the greenhouse equipped by mist system. The traits were measured after 120 days. Based on the obtained results, IBA had significant influence on rooting and the highest rooting percent (54.2%) obtained from IBA 3000 mgL-1 treatment. The effect of BA on graft union percent and scion length was significant than GA3. Generally, in order to production of Sweet lime grafted plant simultaneously rooting of Bakraei cutting can be used IBA 3000 mgL-1 as rooting simulator and BA 50 mgL-1 as graft union simulator.

The Benefits of Urban Parks, a Review of Urban Research

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Mohammad Mehdi Sadeghian* and Zhirayr Vardanyan

Urban parks are one of the most important components of cities and they have had an evolving role in the life of city residence. This role has ranged from relief the city to the mediator between humans and nature. This report presents the findings of a major literature review relating to benefits of urban parks. The review considers material from sources that include peer-reviewed literature, library and internet. The results of the study revealed the benefits of urban parks in four categories. Environmental Benefits including Ecological Benefits, Pollution Control, Biodiversity and Nature Conservation. Economic Benefits including Energy Savings, Urban parks and water management, Property Value. Social and Psychological Benefits including Recreation and Wellbeing, Human Health and Tourism actually Reducing Crime. Planning and design, including perceptions of green space, aesthetic values, the planning and design of green space.

Assessment the quantitative traits of saffron in intercropping of saffron and chamomail

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Mohammadreza Naderidarbaghshahi*, Alireza Jalalizand and Hamidreza Javanmard

This study was conducted to assessment the quantitative traits of saffron in intercropping of saffron and chamomail (2011-2012 years) in a five years old saffron farm located in central regions of Iran with arid climate. Two method of german chamomile cultivation (pure cultivation and intercropping with saffron) as main plots and three chamomail sowing dates (early October simultaneous with first irrigation of saffron, early November simultaneous with final harvest of saffron flowers and second irrigation of saffron and early April simultaneous with increase in temperature and last weeding of saffron ) as sub plots were studied in this research. According to results, intercropping of chamomail in saffron did not cause any reduction in saffron's yield but caused decrease in total corm weight in unit area and R/S index significantly. Chamomile yield were not differences in two method of cultivation. Also base on means comparison results, the highest chamomile yield was obtained in early October sowing in intercropping method.

The effect of intracerebro ventricular (ICV) injection of histamine and intraperitonal injection of histidine on the acute trigeminal pain in rats

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Hamed Ganjali* and Mahla Ganjali

The present study explored the interaction between histaminergic system. Orofacial pain was induced by subcutaneous (sc) injection of formalin (50 μl, 1%) in the upper lip region and the time spent face rubbing was recorded in 3 min blocks for 45 min. Histamine and morphine suppressed both phases of pain. Naloxone alone non-significantly increased pain intensity and inhibited the antinociceptive effects of morphine and histamine. The results of the present study indicate that at the level of the hippocampus, histamine through its H1 and H2 receptors, mediates orofacial region pain.

Evaluation the effect of different levels of urea and ammonia fertilizers on growth and yield of Tomato (Lecopersicon esculentum c.v Calji)

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Sepideh Kazemi, Abdolkarim Ejraei and Behnam Behrooznam

In order to evaluation the effects of urea and ammonia fertilizers on growth and yield of Tomato c.v Calji, was conducted an experiment in completely randomized design with three replications. Each one of the nitrogen fertilizers was used in five concentrations consist 0, 50, 100, 150 and 200 mg/kg N soil. The evaluated characteristics were consisting fruit number, yield of one plant, vitamin C, total acid, TSS, plant height, day to flowering, fresh weight and chlorophyll index. Results indicated that the highest fruit number was observed in urea 100 and 150 mg/kg N and the lowest in control treatment. The greatest yield was relative to urea 150 mg/kg N and the least in ammonia 150 mg/kg N treatment. In most evaluated traits, application of urea 100 and 150 mg/kg N was better than ammonia. Thus, application of low levels of ammonia can be improved quantitative and qualitative characteristics of plant and fruit of tomato but its high levels had badness effects on plants. Based obtained results from this study can be concluded that urea and ammonia fertilizers are more effective on vegetative factors than generative factors and will have desirable influences on vegetative growth of tomato.

Identification of Gentisic Acid in Cupules of Oak (Quercus branti var. persica)

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Iman Bajalan

Oak tree (Quercus persica) is a native plant genus in some areas of Iran, spatially in the western and the northwestern regions. This tree is a rich source of phenolic compounds such as gallic acid andtannin. Phenolic compounds present in spice plants as dietary sources possess bioactive properties protecting cellular systems against oxidative stress.For identification of Gentisic acid (2,5dihydroxybenzoic acid) in cupule of oak, cupules were harvested from a random sample of plants in 3 replications In Lorestan province then put in bags and dries in shadow. Extract was thickener by using Rotary apparatus. Finally, determination and identification of Gentisic acid was by High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method.

Influence of Probiotic and Prebiotic on broiler chickens performance and immune status

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Hosein Nikpiran , Mehdi Taghavi*, Ali Khodadadi and Seyyed Shamsadin Athari

This experiment was conducted to study the effect of probiotic and prebiotic as growth promoting agents and as a potential alternative to antibiotic, on performance and immune responses in broiler chickens.Each diet was fed ad libitum to six replicates for three treatment groups consisted of twenty birds in each pen from 1 to 42 day old. Body mass gain and feed efficiency at 21 and 42 days of age were affected (P<0.05) by supplementing prebiotic in broiler diet. Antibody production to Newcastle disease vaccination and sheep red blood cell were affected (P<0.05) by probiotic-treated birds. Furthermore, the supplementation of the diet led to the improvement of performance and immune status in treated groups with prebiotic and probiotic respectively.

Place Identity and its informant parameters in Architectural studies

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Ali Akbar Heidari* and Shima Mirzaii

Research in the field of place identity, has been always with difficulties, due to the absence of an integrated definition about the subject and also lack of an integrated description of motivational, sensual and social processes comprising people‟s definition of place and Identity. This research will survey on concept of place identity, place identification levels and effective parameters on expression of place identification, and will study the influence of skeletal and cognitive parameters of the users on shaping the place identity; and in the end will present a model for demonstrating the circumstance of these parameters‟ impacts. For this purpose in this article it has been attempted to contain various definitions in this field in order to make a comprehensive image from totality of the subject for the readers, and at last derive a comprehensive and integrated definition so it can accelerate the process of future researches in this field. In order to perceive this paper, the reader should be familiar with basic philosophical concepts such as objectivity and subjectivity. The questions which are attempted to be answered in this paper are those bunches of subjects which pay attention to the definition of identity of a place and effective parameters on this identity. Research queries: - What is place identity? - What are identification parameters? What are identification levels?

Flood vulnerability index as a knowledge base for flood risk assessment in urban area

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Hajar Nasiri and Shahram Shahmohammadi-Kalalagh*

Climate change leads to increasing urban flooding hazard. Due to the extent of flooding impacts there is a need to improve methods in flood risk management. One of the most important sections of flood management is assessing flood vulnerability in urban scale. A lot of studies have been done on the flood hazard, including flood vulnerability assessment because understanding of vulnerability is not only vital for the existence of the exposed societies to extreme floods, but also for their adaptation to climate change. For achieving this goal one approach is developing a Flood Vulnerability Index (FVI).Vulnerability index, will determine which areas are most vulnerable to flooding those should be considered in the future redevelopments. That means FVI produces a relationship between the theoretical perceptions of flood vulnerability and the daily management process. This study is mainly based on the literature on flooding vulnerability.

Effect of tillage on soil biodiversity

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Sahar Sheibani* and Ahmad Gholamalizadeh Ahangar

Although nature is comprised of biological diversity soil is one of the most diverse habitats on earth and contains one of the most diverse assemblages of living organisms. Soil organisms are important elements for preserved ecosystem biodiversity and services thus assess functional and structural biodiversity in arable soils is interest. One of the main threats to soil biodiversity occurred by mechanical impacts by soil tillage in agricultural management. Furthermore, suppress soil microorganisms play important roles in many soil processes. Soil microorganisms regulate carbon and nitrogen cycling and provide nutrition to plants. Bacteria and fungi are critical for the production of soil aggregates and the conversion of plant residue to soil organic matter (SOM), that increases aggregate stability, cation exchange capacity, and water holding capacity, water infiltration and soil porosity. Several recent studies have focused on the effects of agricultural practices on the community diversity of soil microorganisms. Generally, soil microbial activity is affected negatively by soil tillage. No-till or reduced tillage systems can reduce the erosion of soil, which is not a renewable resource and is declining on much of our agricultural land. The decrease of organic matter as a result of tillage in the soil can cause decreases in soil microbial activity therefore, studding about the effect of tillage on soil microorganisms have important roles in soil biodiversity changes.

An investigation of Career Anchors Model among Education Organization, Physical Education organization and higher education Employees in Iran

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Azadeh Aghili and Amir Asadifard*

The purpose of the present study was to investigate career anchors, that is, Technical/Functional, Service/Dedication, Autonomy, Identity, Pure challenge/Variety, General managerial competence, Security, and Creativity anchors, preferred by the academic employees (MAs and PHDs) working for the three organizations of Education Organization, Physical Education Organization, and Higher Education (MSRT). It was meant to discover the kind of anchors preferred for job promotion and possible reasons as well. Four provinces, i.e. Guilan, Tehran, Lorestan, and Isfahan, were selected based on geographical considerations. DeLong (1982)‟s standardized questionnaire was used for data collection. Friedman and Kruskal walis tests were used for data analysis. Results indicated that among all career anchors, Service/Dedication, Autonomy, and Technical/Functional anchors were mostly preferred by the employees to reach their professional goals. However, Security, Identity, and Creativity were the least effective anchors used by the participants. It seems that interpersonal relationships connected to anchors play an important role in job promotion. In addition, Creativity anchor was one of the least favorite perhaps because people are not provided with needed opportunities to indicate their innovations so prefer to try other anchors.

Juvenile Offender Mediation Proceeding

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Elham Fahimi*, Mohsen Alaei bosjin and Valiollah Khoshtinat

This paper examines the mediating procedure in children judgment, with emphasis on the restoration of mediation in the juvenile offender and the offense. Based on the current research findings, non-judicial methods, is regarded as a new method to reduce the negative impact of the criminal justice system on offenders and to guarantee the compensation of victim’s restitution agreed upon by the parties. Furthermore, utilizing new systems based on restorative justice can be applied in the majority of children offences and the mediator can practically act to eradicate ruptures between the offended and the offenders and provide the motivation to make reparations for the restitution and normative offender which leads to forgiveness, mutual compassion and closes the case.

Analysis And Decrease of Electromagnetic Interference In Diode Bridge Rectifier

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Ehsan Hosseini

Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) refers to the undesired radiated or conducted energy in some type of electrical systems. Semiconductors are applied in power electronic converters to increase efficiency (Mohan, Undeland and Robbins, 2003).But switching leads to generation of interference over a wide range of frequency and causes radio frequency interference (10KHz to 30MHz). EMI is an inevitable problem in modern power electronic circuits. Modeling and simulation of EMI is the first step in EMC evaluation to help power electronics designers get an estimate on the status of EMC in their designs. Modeling and simulation of diode bridge rectifier are studied in this paper from the EMC point of view. Simulation results demonstrated noncompliance behavior of this rectifier in terms of EMC standards. At the end, by using suitable filters, we can preclude or minimize any undesired effects to meet the standards of acceptable conditions.

Importance of k4 and k2, 3 in topological graph theory

296-298Full Text

B.Nikfarjam* and M.Yunusi

Outer planar graphs are a widely studied graph class with application in graph Drawing [T .Biedl, G. Kant] and with intersecting theoretical properties [S .Fesner, A.Maheshwari, J.Manning]. The outer thickness of the graph is the minimum number of outer planar into which the graph can be decomposed and outer thickness is one of the classical and standard measures of non- outer planarity of graphs. In this article we show that complete graph k4 and bipartite graph k2, 3 is very important in graph theory and we suggest the rule of programming formulation of the outer thickness problem.