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Determination of Lead, Cadmium and Arsenic Metals in Imported Rice into the West Azerbaijan Province, Northwest of Iran

452-456Full Text

Nasser Ghazanfarirad, Kamran Dehghan, Maryam Fakhernia, Farzaneh Rahmanpour, Maryam Bolouki, Farah Zeynali, Jafar Asadzadeh and Mahmoud Bahmani*

Industrialization of human activities causes environmental pollution with chemicals resulting in contamination of agricultural productions. Therefore, strict control of agricultural products is required to protect rice contamination with heavy metals as it is one of the world's food crops consumed especially in Asian countries. The aim of this study was determination of the amount of heavy elements in imported rice of West Azarbaijan province. Thus, the amount of lead, cadmium and arsenic, in 8 of 16 kinds of imported rice samples (16 different brands) were evaluated. The results indicated that all samples contain trace amounts of lead and cadmium 0.916±, 0.035 and 0.022 ± 0.027, respectively and only 42% of samples (7 types of brands) contain trace amounts of arsenic 0.057±0.014. Standard of extent permitted for lead, cadmium and arsenic in rice of standard of Iran, in the order of 0.1, 0.2 and 0.2 ppm (mg/kg) is designated. All samples contained lead and arsenic within the limit and 6.2% of samples (only one brand commercial) contained cadmium levels higher than 0.103 ppm (mg/kg), respectively. According to the standard rates and normal range listed metals, it is recommended to use the cleaning products with a high degree of confidence.

Relationship between Ruminative Coping and Beliefs about Appearance in Women Seeking Cosmetic Breast Surgery

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Zoha Zamanpour Kiasari*, Bahram Mirzaian and Ramazan Hasanzadeh

The aim of this thesis was the relationship between rumination and beliefs about appearance in women seeking cosmetic breast surgery. The research method was descriptive and correlation. The statistical population of the present research consists of the women who consulted Pars cosmetic clinic in Sari. Among all the women who were volunteer to participate in the research, 60 women were chosen and research as a sample by non-stochastic and systematic method. The research tools involved Ruminative Coping and beliefs about appearance inventory. To analyze the data, descriptive statistics, correlation, and stepwise regression methods were used in SPSS software Ver. 20. Result of this research showed that there is positive and meaningful relation between rumination and its subscales i.e. cogitation, reclusiveness, and distraction with beliefs about appearance in women seeking cosmetic breast surgery. Furthermore, among all subscales of rumination, only reclusiveness can predict perfectionism and beliefs about appearance meaningfully. Thus, hypothesis of relation between rumination and beliefs about appearance in women seeking cosmetic breast surgery is corroborated with a confidence of 99%.

Knowledge evaluation for creation capability in organization

460-469Full Text

Ehssan Alipanahi

This research sets out a journey which culminates in the development of an analytical framework, the ‘Assessment of organizational creativity’ which is intended to assist organisations in evaluating their ability to support and develop creativity. This framework is derived from the common thread of the research, which is drawn from a range of research and consultancy projects, and the resulting published work, spanning an eight year period, centring on the role of knowledge and creativity in the strategy and performance of organisations. The central core of the research is the nine published papers upon which it is based but it also derives from the broader perspective of my published work in the form of both articles and books. The research further draws upon my own experience as a leader and manager in the context of university business schools and as a consultant, researcher and developer in the context of a range of international private and public sector organisations. The work is based upon a premise that theory should inform practice and that practice should inform theory. The ‘Assessment of organizational creativity’ framework is informed by both theory and practice and is intended to assist in management practice. The ‘Assessment of organizational creativity’ presented in this work should be regarded as the framework in its present form which is likely to develop further as my research progresses in the future.

Compare of social desirability between parents of ADHD and normal children

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Seyyed Mohammad Enayati*, Ramzan Hassanzadeh and Bahram Mirzaeian

and severe neglect and behavior of other children there. Parents' contact with the children due to the influence of behavioral interventions can have a significant role in the child's natural environment. Living with a child with a disorder or disability, are often perceived as stressful for families and can affect all aspects of the family. In this study, all parents of children with ADHD disorder in the Qaemshahr city referred to psychiatric clinics, treatment of behavioral disorders in the children studied had been and they were given 2 questionnaires to gather information: socio-demographic and social desirability questionnaire. The data analysis was performed with an independent t test. The results showed that the average, minimum and maximum compatibility score obtained from the parents of children with attention deficit hyperactivity were higher than those of normal children and the mean score obtained from the questionnaire the love of parents with children with attention deficit hyperactivity than children of parents normal; Mean, minimum and maximum of the normal for parents with children of parents with children with attention deficit hyperactivity and also show a higher average. It is suggested that the mental health of parents of children with attention deficit hyperactivity attention and support should to the children and their parents should be able to live in better conditions.

The Double Oppression of Black Women in Their Eyes Were Watching God

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Zahra Mahdian Fard and Bahman Zarrinjooee*

The main argument in this paper is focused on the way the Black women in Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God (1937), are oppressed and suppressed through the process of colonization and the dominant practices in the male-dominated African culture brought to America by the slaves. In fact, the Black women are doubly oppressed and colonized. Moreover, it shows how the Black women, in Their Eyes Were Watching God, are represented and defined by both the White and Black males. In other words, the White and Black males occupy a very similar position in their treatment of Black women. The opposing definitions of female experience are at the heart of their discourses about woman. In addition, this paper shows how the confrontation between Black women and White men unfolds the main character’s childhood memories. This paper sheds more light on the White male’s definitions and degradations of Black women, and the main character’s relation to Black men which is represented through her three successive marriages. The devastating impact of the White discourse on Black people which has targeted their identity is an integral part of this paper. To prove such points, this paper utilizes Frantz Fanon’s (1925-1961) arguments concerning the ways White colonizers dominate the Black individuals.

Mental Illness and Manic-Depressive Illness in Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway

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Seyedeh Sara Ahou Ghalandari and Leila Baradaran Jamili*

There are enough evidence in Virginia Woolf’s (1882-1941) diaries, letters and her life which show that she suffered from a mental disorder. Recent medical researches identify the realm of a bipolar disorder or manic-depressive illness known as a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in mood, energy and activity levels. This paper discusses the particular form of Woolf’s mental illness from Thomas C. Caramango’s (1946- ) view and pursues the process of this illness and shows how her art was under the direct influence of her mental disorder. The most important point is to represent this bipolar disorder and her challenge in the process of creating a bipolar structure in her novel, Mrs. Dalloway. The paper will suggest that the patriarchal society of England might play a significant role in increasing both her mental disorder and the mental problems and illness of her characters, especially Mrs. Dalloway and Septimus Warren Smith. To examine the relationship between Woolf’s bipolar disorder and her literary creativity can help us to understand her personality, both from an artistic and psychiatric viewpoint. In Mrs. Dalloway, Woolf gives voice to her inner world by imagining the bipolar disorders and illness of her characters. She uses the technique of stream of consciousness and indirect interior monologue to represent not only her own illusory world but the hallucinated world of her characters.

Comparison of Adjustment among Only-child and Multiple-sibling High School Students

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Farkhondeh Ramezaninejad, Mohsen Jadidi* and Sedigheh Ebrahimi

The purpose of the present study is to compare adjustment of only children and multiple siblings. Participants included 234 students (99 only children and 144 multiple siblings) studying in high schools of Tehran, Iran. Data collection was done by adjustment inventory for high school students. Data analysis was performed using independent t-test and variance analysis. Results showed that adjustment of only-child students is better and higher than that of multiple-sibling students. Level of emotional, social and academic adjustment only-child student is better than that of multiple-sibling students.

Prevalence of positive and negative symptoms in schizophrenia patients with different cultural backgrounds

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Samira Kianmanesh*, Nour Mohammad Bakhshani and Sayed Alireza Sadjadi

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the difference between prevalence of positive and negative symptoms in patients with schizophrenia that growing in different cultural basics. The population study consisted of all patients with schizophrenia that referred to Baharan Psychiatric Center of Zahedan city and Ebn-e-Sina Psychiatric Center of Mashhad city between March to August, 2013. For this, 32 schizophrenia patients from Baharan Psychiatric Center and 32 schizophrenia patients from Ebn-e-Sina Psychiatric Center randomly selected. Interviews were conducted with The Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS). For data analysis, we used X2 test. Results showed that with increase the duration of hospital stay, Positive Symptoms Scale, Negative Syndrome Scale and general psychopathology reduced. Also, result showed that drug consume in schizophrenia patients led to improve and decrease the schizophrenia symptoms.

Home in Toni Morrison’s Home

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Zeinab Soleimani and Bahman Zarrinjooee*

This paper deals with Toni Morrison’s (1931) Home (2012) in relation to theories determined by Homi K. Bhabha (1949). Because Toni Morrison is an African-American novelist in the context of white writing community, defining and constructing a new identity for the characters is implicitly understood in her fictions through analyzing elements such as class, gender, race and poverty which influence her character’s identity in male-dominated societies or by colonial powers. Moreover, this paper sheds more light on the concepts like “liminal”, “ambivalent”, and “hybrid identity” of the colonized people reconstructed in a “Third Space of Enunciation” or “in-between” spaces based on Bhabha’s definition of colonial discourse and identity. The idea of “unhomeliness” popularized by Bhabha indeed concerns being separated from home that affects migrants’ identities, especially the Blacks who wander in this novel. Finally, by considering the characters’ conditions, it can be concluded that the imperial power is indifferent to the future of the Blacks and endangers their lives by forcing them to be engaged in wars, doing medical and eugenic experiments on black women in order to rescue the rich, whereas through infertility of the black women marginalizes them. In other words, the homeless and wandering characters are haunted until they are far from their homes or uprooted and they cannot achieve the stability of their identity. On the contrary, by homecoming they will reconstruct their identity and acquire their authenticity again because for them returning home means stability of identity.

Evaluation the Geotechnical Properties of Coarse Grain Sources of Ladiz Dam (East of Iran)

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Mojtaba Ansari far*, Mahnaz Arbabi and Farideh Rigi Karvandari

Ladiz dam located distance of 18 km from the Mirjaveh city. The study area located in Iran East flysch zone. The aim of this study is evaluation the geotechnical of coarse Source in the site. This research based on survey data which collected by the library, field and laboratory studies. In this study, we tested the samples, such as gradation, situ density, Specific gravity determination, straight shear, Modified compaction and Los Angeles. The results of test show that the most soils sit in gradation SP, specific gravity between 2.6 to 2.7, situ density test between 1.48 to 2.17, los angles test between 19.40 to 21 and optimum water content present between 5.4 to 9.

Reflections abul Ala Mawdudi thoaghts on Pakistan

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Hadi Mohebbi* and Maqsood Ranjbar

present research is concerned with the reflection of Abol’alaMawdudi’s thought on political condition of Pakistan and has been done since 1941, aim to realize whether his thought caused radicalization of politics in Pakistan or not. data collection was based on library method and has been accomplished by the analysis and explanation of Mawdudi’s thought and causal effects of his thoughts on political condition of Pakistan. in this regard; we’ve studied the manner of establishment of Pakistan’s independence in 1947 , then we’ve investigated opinions and ideas of him and finally studied political developments of Pakistan and all the effects with which Islamists and Islamic congregation have made in countries political condition, we’ve also observed that government in Pakistan is constituted from militaries interaction , secular politicians and islamists. it should be mentioned that there was a continuous contest among these groups in order to achieve power while they cannot exploit power lonely and for a long time so are struggling to make a coalition with other effective forces in order to achieve or continue their power in Pakistan. Islamic congregation also from the beginning of Pakistan’s independence did so. the first effect of Islamic congregation was weakening of foundation of secular regime of Ayoob Khan (691958)with which Islamists’ perspective especially Islamic congregation is represented in the structure of government in the period of ZiyaAlhaq(88-1977).according to this fact that Islamic congregation had a strong street power ; widespread demonstration was depicted in 1995 to force Binazir Bhutto to resign which the current president has announced the cabinet of Bhutto as void. in all elections ,Islamic congregation are trying to gain parliament’s seats whether by coalition or lonely in order to affect Pakistan’s politics , this fact causes radicalization of politics in this country. All the activities and measurements of Islamic congregation since 1972 conducted by Mawdudi and after that by the other members of Islamic congregation.

Effect of foliar application of salicylic acid and drought stress on quantitative yield of mungbean (Vigna radiata L.)

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Tahereh Safaei Nezhad, Hamid Reza Mobasser*, Mehdi Dahmardeh and Mohammadali karimian

Mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) is an important legume crop of Asia and a major component of many cropping systems. The crop grown under non-irrigated condition, encounters drought stress at different growth stages. Plants produce proteins in response to abiotic and biotic stress and many of these proteins are induced by phytohormones such as salicylic acid. SA is synthesized by many plants and is accumulated in the plant tissues under the impact of unfavorable abiotic factors, contributing to the increase of plants resistance to drought stress. The field experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design with split plot design with three replications. Drought stress in three levels (I1: Regular watering 5 days, I2: 10 days, I3: 15 days) allocated to main plots and foliar application of salicylic acid in four levels ( S1: 0, S2: 0.5, S3:1, S4:1.5 Mmol) was allocated to sub plots. Drought stress and salicylic acid on plant height, Number of Branch , Number of Pod and Biological yield was significant.

Woman, Body, Art: Henrik Ibsen’s When We Dead Awaken and A Doll’s House

516-523Full Text

Fateme Mirahmadi* and Leila Baradaran Jamili

Looking at the arts and finding their impacts in Henrik Ibsen’s (1828- 1906) plays uncover that corporeal body is essential in the process of creativity. The post-romantic theorist, Robin George Collingwood (1889-1943) insists on art as expression of emotion which is possible through different forms of language, all involving body into movements. The body and its function in creating art becomes significant for Ibsen so that he uses intertexts in his drama, particularly the mixture of verbal and visual languages or performing arts, like dance and sculpture, used respectively, in A Doll’s House (1879) and When We Dead Awaken (1899). In both plays, the central female characters, lacking any proper place in systematic social life, less than male characters need to submit themselves to ideal and social codes and freely give in their bodies to the creative process of art making. Exhibition of women’s body in its nudity or in rhythmical movement might possibly engage and satisfy male spectators’ voyeuristic desires and underestimate it to a mute object external to the subject itself; however, the powerful and visible languages of their bodies enter the level of expressiveness and are correspondingly manifestation of their self. Women’s bodies become the source of unique ideas and meanings, intruding into dominant and transcendental meanings of social and historical systems; consequently, the body’s new reaction offers a creative way to the artist’s awareness of the world.

Echoes of Mimicry in V. S. Naipaul’s Half a Life and Magic Seeds

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Ali Falakdin and Bahman Zarrinjooee*

This paper deals with V. S. Naipaul’s (1932-) Half a Life (2001) and its sequel Magic Seeds (2004) which depict the mimic and hybrid identity of Willie Somerset Chandran. Naipaul portrays the protagonist’s constant exiled life from India, England, Africa, and Germany so as to rediscover and assert his self-identity. The events that come about to him are the mirror images of Naipaul’s life. Willie’s exilic life and behavior have been shaped for the sake of extensive effects of colonialism. Homi K. Bhabha’s (1949- ) theories of hybridity and mimicry and Edward Said’s (1935-2003) attempts relating to orientalism are applied to clarify Willi’s mimic identity throughout the novels. Colonization is the phenomenon that transforms different aspects of the colonized nations’ lives, especially their culture and historical specificities. Different cultural groups, based on their cultural heritage have their ethnic, culture and historical specificities which are not operative for the colonizers, and are replaced by the colonizers’ values, rules, principals and whatever help solidify the colonizers’ hegemony and superiority in the colonized cultures. This paper sheds more light on such a phenomenon which has made Willie an ambivalent, dependent person first in homeland–India–and then disables him to see the miserable condition of his country as an intellectual person, drifts apart from whatever he possessed. Willie cannot settle down in one special place and is displaced from one place to the other ones. In other words, because of Willie’s mimic identity he cannot have a dyed-in-the-wool personality and his identity and subjectivity are always transformed. Finally, this paper shows how Willie’s placelessness eliminates his identity and changes him to an ambivalent, mimic man.

Livelihood in Shahname

531-534Full Text

Maryam Kadaei*, Hasan Ali Abaspoor and Vahid royani

To study the livelihood styles in different societies is a way to better get familiar with the customs, traditions and people life styles. To look at people livelihood in far past through major literary arts of each region such as Shahname, the national art of Iranian- will reveal the methods of people livelihood. The purpose of the writer is to show people life styles in different periods in Shahname by suggesting various ways of their earning living. In this article we mention some jobs that were taught by the command of the kings to improve people's livelihood are: agriculture, animal husbandry, quarry and hunt… This project is a paradigm to show different types of livelihood and impact of kings on people's life.

Power and Madness in Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway

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Seyedeh Sara Ahou Ghalandari and Leila Baradaran Jamili*

During centuries, the history is regarded as the best evidence to prove that social networks had a direct effect on madness by acting forces. What are noticeable in the history of madness are the effects of society and various mechanisms of power on the framework of madness. The paper clarifies how Virginia Woolf (1882-1941) visualizes madness in Mrs. Dalloway (1925), for the sake of criticizing various forms of power in her contemporary British society. It considers Michel Foucault’s (1926-1984) perspective about power and its strategies to introduce madness and tries to explicate the constructive role of society and power on the establishment of madness and to show how the concept of madness was determined by various mechanisms of power in society. In fact, through her novel Woolf shows the progressive network of power in English society and tries to make an allusion to the prevalent insanity in London after the Great War and to allude to the weaknesses in medical practices in her contemporary society. Septimus Warren Smith, as a shell-shocked soldier or war veteran who is mentally insane, is the horrible impact of a patriarchal society as well as medicine. In Mrs. Dalloway, Woolf portrays a status in which not only women are restricted but also men are under the dominant forces of the society. Throughout this novel, Clarissa Dalloway, Septimus Warren Smith, Peter Walsh, and others struggle to find a way for communication as well as adequate privacy.

Consolidation judge in criminal law and restorative justice

544-546Full Text

Nabiolah Gholami*, Ali Gholami and Ahmad Hajideh Abadi

One of the institutions that have been considered by Islamic rules is consolidation judge which has a large role in reducing the burden on the courts. After Islamic revolution in Iran, the organization has been considered in the sixth clause of public and revolutionary courts code (PRCC).Consolidation judge can be accounted like intermediary institutions in restorative justice approach. Consent of the parties to refer the matter to a person other than the official judge is a common feature of these two entities. Besides these two institutions, entity known as the Arbitration Institute in the Civil Procedure Code has been considered which can reduce the volume of visits to courts. Though in current rules the interest has been shown toward Arbitration Institute, but in Islamic jurisprudence rules consolidation judge has wide discretion. So we can consider arbitration as subset of consolidation judge. The sixth clause of public and revolutionary courts code(PRCC) as the first law that has considered consolidation judge ,has some ambiguities which resolving this ambiguity can determine the power of the entity in judicial system.

The effect of pore pressure on the rock slope stability

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Vahid Hosseinitoudeshki* and Amirhossein kayalha

Rock slope stability analysis can be applied for transportation systems such as highways and railways. Failure of rock slopes includes a variety of rock falls, landslides and general instability of rock slopes. This article is done in a rock slope which is composed of jointed tuff rocks. In the modeling of slope, the joints with different dips of 0, 30, 45, 60 and 90 degrees using phase2 software were analyzed. The most important factor that investigated in this study is the effect of pore pressure on the joints in such a way that the value of 0 Mpa to 0.5 Mpa has been considered .The results indicate that by increasing pore pressure on the joints, the critical SRF decreased and the highest decrease of SRF is occurred in the pore pressure of 0.1 Mpa.

Effects of parent plant nutrition with different amounts of nitrogen and irrigation on seed vigor and some characteristics associated with hybrid 704 in kermanshah region

551-556Full Text

E Farhadi*, J Daneshyan, A Hamidi, AH Shirani Rad and HR Valadabadi

To evaluate irrigation intervals and various nitrogen levels effect on germination, vigor and other characteristics of maize single cross 704 produced from mother line , an investigation at research station of agricultural and natural resources research centre- kermanshah region and central seed quality control, (SPCRI) Karaj, in year 2013 were conducted. The effect of irrigation intervals of 7, 9, 11 and 13 days as main object and pure nitrogen fertilizer uses amount 66, 99, 132 and 165 kg/ha as secondary ones factor under based on randomized complete design with 4 replication carried out. Results of data variance analyses indicated that germination percentages, velocity, mean germination time, number of normal seedling, root dry weight and seedlings length were under effects of treatments and revealed significant. Maximum seed germination and seedling vigor index was related to uses of 165 kg/ha nitrogen fertilizer with seven days irrigation intervals. Maximum electrical conductivity was related to seeds that were received 165 kg/ha nitrogen with 13 days irrigation intervals. Therefore, conclusion obtained is that uses of 165 kg/ha nitrogen fertilizer in mother plants with 7days irrigation intervals will produce seeds with higher vigor, germination characteristics and seedlings establishment.

The relationship between, style leadership coaches and achievement motivation female athletes fitness field of Bojnoord city

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Majid Soleimani, Sirus Ahmadi and Hamideh Langari*

This study aimed to assess The relationship between style leadership coaches and achievement motivation female athletes in was conducted field fitness Bojnoord city. Population of this research includes all women fitness athletes that their number is 8500. And considering table specified sample volume, 367 subjects on random sampling were selected as The statistical sample. The research method a descriptive - correlation in terms of functional and data collection and field goal from the perspective of an analytical method is casual. For examine the variables of exercise questionnaire to measure achievement motivation oriented Gil (1998) and the Scale for the exercise leadership Chla (1980) The reliability of the questionnaire used to measure the leadership style and of coaches statistical population distribution among 30 patients, respectively (α=88.55%), (α=86.2%) respectively. To analyze the data descriptive indicators and test Kolmogorov - Smirnov normality, Pearson correlation ,used SPSS18 software. The results of the analysis showed that the hypothesis leadership style coaches factor predictive of achievement motivation athletes.