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Situation of track and field athletics women in Khorasan Razavi based on SWOT

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H. Peymanizad, R. Ramshini* and N. Estiri

This study aims to check the status of women's sports of track and field in Khorasan Razavi took Based on SWOT from the perspective of sports experts. The study population consisted of 100 teachers and experts in the field of sport and youth sport committees and organizations in Khorasan Razavi. Using the sample size of Morgan table the sample size of 80 patients were selected. In this study to answer the hypothesis a questionnaire whit 74 questions based on SWOT model, was used. Reliability whit using Cronbach's alpha coefficient was confirmed above 70%. Distribution status variables checked whit using Kolmogorov Smirnov checked and all of them were normal. Data from the questionnaire whit sample using t test and Friedman and SWOT matrix were analyzed. The findings suggest that women track and field in positions of power and opportunity and must use strategy of strengths and opportunities, and by exploiting the existing of strengths try to indoor use of opportunities. Insurance coverage for athletes and coaches is greatest strength, and the lack of support from the private sector and sponsors is the most important weakness, the celebration of the pioneers is major opportunities and lack of attention of mass media is the most important threat.

The Comparison between the Meaning Structure and the Physical Structure of the City

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Forouzan Rahmani* and Hossein Noormohamadzad

Structure is a total consisting of division units, connectors, joints and boundaries which are formed by transformators, around regulators and in adherence to principles. Such a structure has meaning. Meaning is a subjective which is perceived by the reader through a word, sentence, paragraph or text. The meaning structure is a network of semantic units which are formed by transformators, around regulators and in adherence to principles. Likewise, the physical structure of the city is a total, consisting of physical components which are formed by transformators, around regulators, and in adherence to the principles. The study of the meaning structure can be performed on various dimensions of the city context: since the physique is the most tangible and most stable dimension of the city, the meaning structure research is performed in the context of the physical structure of the city, and it seems that the meaning structure is in accordance to the physical structure of the city. In order to approve the above-mentioned hypothesis, levels, components, constituents and aspects of the meaning structure and the physical structure were compared, and a correspondence has been established between them. This study has been performed by descriptive and comparative methods.

The Role of Self-Efficacy and Perfectionism in Predicting Depression in Student

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Babak Noruzi* and Maryam Sedghi

The main objective in this research is to study the role of self-efficacy and perfectionism in predicating depression in students. 210 third-grade junior high school students from Pars Abad County were chosen through multi-stage random sampling. The students were asked to fill out three questionnaires of Sherer's General Self-Efficacy Scale, Ahvaz Perfectionism Scale (APS) and Beck's Depression Inventory (BDI-II). In order to analyze the data, multivariate Regression analysis was used. Results suggested that self-efficacy and perfectionism could predict occurrence of depression in students. Since self-efficacy has a key role in self-regulation of emotional states, low self0efficacy, which is the understanding the inability in impacting the events and social situations, could lead to depression. Also, failure in perfectionist individuals in meeting their idealistic expectations leads to invoking worthless emotions and extreme self-blame, which provides the basis for depression.

The place and role of the nature in Zen school of tought's formation

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Behzad Etebari* and Farid Zavarzadeh Mogadam

Japanese architecture is the real visualization of a dynamic culture that never ever has not broken its ties with its roots and fixed rudiments. Japanese modern architecture like its modern culture that is a symbol of traditional combinational culture, has perpetuated its national and traditional identity while keeping roots in a coherent structure by accepting modern facilities simultaneously. The roots of traditional culture have a deep ties with universality of the world and it is based on non-double sighted idealism in Japanese traditional art and architecture as a principle like naturalism realism and idealism has been visualized from an intellectual depth different from ordinary meanings and it has been continued in its modern architecture. The secret of Japanese traditional culture solidarity and continuance and strength of its national identity in arts and its architecture is buried in its dynamic culture, nature and its united ideology that it is extended in Zen school of thought and it is still visualized in various dimensions of Japanese life.