Structure is a total consisting of division units, connectors, joints and boundaries which are formed by transformators, around regulators and in adherence to principles. Such a structure has meaning. Meaning is a subjective which is perceived by the reader through a word, sentence, paragraph or text. The meaning structure is a network of semantic units which are formed by transformators, around regulators and in adherence to principles. Likewise, the physical structure of the city is a total, consisting of physical components which are formed by transformators, around regulators, and in adherence to the principles. The study of the meaning structure can be performed on various dimensions of the city context: since the physique is the most tangible and most stable dimension of the city, the meaning structure research is performed in the context of the physical structure of the city, and it seems that the meaning structure is in accordance to the physical structure of the city. In order to approve the above-mentioned hypothesis, levels, components, constituents and aspects of the meaning structure and the physical structure were compared, and a correspondence has been established between them. This study has been performed by descriptive and comparative methods.