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A Study Food Security and Evaluation the Phenological Traits and Potential yield in various Wheat Cultivars during Two Years in Ardabil Region

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SeyedSajjad Moosavi, Hossein Heidari Sharif Abad*, Gorban Nour mohamadi and Ali Akbar Imani

In order to Study Food Security and evaluation the Phenological Traits and Potential yield in Various Cultivars of Wheat in Ardabil region, an experiment was carried out in a randomized complete block design with three replications in Ardabil islamic Azad University Agricultural Research Station in two agricultural years of 2014-2015 and 2015-2016. The studied cultivars included Pishgam, Gascogen, Gaspard, Siosson and MV17. Results from ANOVA for traits of number of days from planting to flowering and number of days from planting to maturity suggested that there is a significant difference between cultivars and years at one percent, and also, in addition to cultivars and years, the interaction of year for the trait of number of days from planting to spike emergence is significant at one percent. Data mean comparison indicated that among the studied wheat cultivars, the cultivar of Pishgam with a mean of 225.33 days had the highest number of days from planting to flowering and the cultivar of Gascogen with a mean of 221.17 days, had the lowest number of days from planting to flowering. For the trait of number of days from planting to spike emergence, the cultivar of Pishgam with a mean of 221.67 days had the highest rate and the lowest number of days with a mean of 218 days was related to the cultivar of Gasgogen. The highest number of days from planting to end flowering (273.83 days) was related to the cultivar of Pishgam and the lowest number of days from planting to end flowering was related to the cultivar of Gaspard with a mean of 267.67 days. There was a significant difference between the studied cultivars on seed yield at one percent. Also, results showed that there was no significant difference found between the years and the interaction of the year on cultivar. Data mean comparison results indicated that Siosson with the mean of 6,627.7 kg per hectare had the highest seed yield and MV17 with the mean of 5,498.5 kg per hectare had the lowest seed yield.

Effect of different sources of starch on Sudanese wheat flour bread quality

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Eiman G. Hassan*, Abdel Moniem I. Mustafa and Ahmed A. Elfaki

Sudanese wheat flour (Imam) of 72% extraction rate and decorticated lentil flour were used in the study. Ratios of starch used in wheat flour for making bread was 5, 10 and 15%, whereas ratios of lentil flour was 5%. Proximate composition and mineral content were carried out for wheat flour extraction rate 100%, 72% and lentil flour. Loaf bread specific volume and sensory evaluation of the produced bread were investigated. From the results it could be observed that quality attributes of sensory evaluation of the blends of bread was found to be very good in spite of low bread Specific volume.


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Dawoud, S. D.Z.

Wheat is one of the most important food commodities in Egypt. It is consumed at a high level to feed the Egyptian individual because it is relatively cheap compared to other sources. The domestic production of wheat is still insufficient to meet the consumer needs, which increased the food gap of wheat. This paper analyses the main features of the production and consumption of wheat in Egypt. Descriptive and quantitative analysis are used depending on data from the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation for the period (2000-2014). From the results, the total wheat production and consumption in Egypt are increased with an annual significant growth rate of 2.63% and 3.64%, respectively. Wheat self-sufficiency is about 55.78% in 2014. Water productivity for wheat is less than long clover and onion crops, with net return per unit of water 1954.09, 3655.71, and 4078.70 LE/1000M3, respectively. As average, the profitability per season for wheat is about 0.94 which is less than the profitability for long clover and onion crops representing 3.79 and 2.26, respectively. The area supply of wheat is investigated by using Marc Nerlove's model. Farmers are responsive inelastic to the price changes, net return, and production cost, for the period 2000 to 2014. Short and long run price elasticities of supply are 0.17 and 019 respectively. Farm price and net return of wheat are found to be an important variables affecting farmer's decision in terms of area allocated to wheat. The major factors influence the wheat consumption are the population growth and domestic production. While, the domestic production, number of population, and per capita consumption are the factors influence the wheat gap. The forecasting results of the ARIMA Models show that wheat production and consumption will increase over the next years, and the food gap of wheat would increase to about 12457.64 thousand tons with self-sufficiency rate of 46.43% for the year 2025. Thus, more efforts should be done by the state to increase cultivated area of wheat and its productivity during the next years, raising the farm prices until its net return equal with net return of competing winter crops, introducing new technologies in wheat production and rationalizing per capita consumption to reduce the food gap of wheat.